Missing Link

Missing Link, Bombay Beach Biennale Missing Link is a tall, vertical aquarium tube installed on the beach in Bombay Beach at the shore of the Salton Sea in Southern California. It is filled with fresh, clean water distilled from the Salton Sea. Missing Link is a testimony to the drying lake. And a summoning of […]
What’s in the Salton Sea

What’s in the Salton Sea, Bombay Beach Biennale They say the Salton Sea is full of toxic chemicals. Others insist it is just really salty. Some believe the water is healthy, even healing. Despite decades of studies, What’s in the Salton Sea remains a mystery to most. We filled 1,230 used plastic gallons with water […]
Kulturhaus Mestlin – LandRush

Kulturhaus Mestlin, Germany Five chapters of LandRush were part of the group exhibition achtung: exzellente Fotografie at Kulturhaus Mestlin. We showed the six-channel-installation DRY WEST with chapters covering the drought in California’s Central Valley, water issues along the Colorado River, and the drying Salton Sea. One of the monitors featured in-depth interviews with Robert Lustig about […]
One Pound of Almonds

One Pound of Almonds, Bombay Beach Biennale Over 80% of the world’s almonds grow in California’s arid Central Valley, which regularly suffers from drought and further aridification due to climate change. One pound of these almonds uses about 1,230 gallons of water to grow – almost 12 liters for a single kernel. The site-specific installation One […]
MQ Freiraum – LandRush

MQ Freiraum, MuseumsQuartier Vienna Venue: MQ Freiraum, MuseumsQuartier Vienna, Austria Date: February 22 – May 7, 2023 Curator: Verena Kaspar-Eisert LandRush’s latest exhibition was at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna. Many LandRush – Ventures into Global Agriculture visitors stayed for hours or returned multiple times to explore themes such as seed, water and land rights, environmental justice, climate change, […]
LandRush – iPad App

LandRush – iPad App We developed the bilingual LandRush-App (for iPad) for the World of Matter exhibition at the Hartware Medienkunst Verein (HMKV), Dortmund, in 2014, and offered it at the App Store till the beginning of 2024. The LandRush-App featured the project’s chapters from Iowa, Ethiopia, and Brazil. It combined short documentary films with texts, video moments, interviews, and still images. Each chapter was a […]
Cicero – Dry West

Cicero – Dry West Empty reservoirs, no snow, withered fields, hundreds of families without running water, the driest year, the warmest February, a race to groundwater, even the ground itself is collapsing. The historic drought in the American West threatens the Californian Dream. A dream built on water. We published our story on the ongoing […]
LFI – California Deamin’

LFI – California Dreamin’ Empty reservoirs, no snow, withered fields, hundreds of families without running water, the driest year, the warmest February, a race to groundwater, even the ground itself is collapsing. The historic drought in the American West threatens the Californian Dream. A dream built on water. We have collaborated with Leica Fotografie International […]
LFI – The Road

LFI – The Road In western Brazil, the extension of the Soy Highway drives the agricultural boom of Mato Grosso’s huge industrial farms ever deeper into the Amazon basin. The road opens the wilderness for unfathomable wealth, work, education, and laws. The price for this dream is monoculture, pesticides, and the disappearance of nature. The […]
GEO – White Gold

GEO – White Gold The White Gold chapter on the social and environmental consequences of global cotton production, that we reported in five regions over 6 years, was published by Geo Magazin and Geo International in eleven countries worldwide. Ten short multimedia films where additionally published on the Geo iPad App.