We developed the bilingual LandRush-App (for iPad) for the World of Matter exhibition at the Hartware Medienkunst Verein (HMKV), Dortmund, in 2014, and offered it at the App Store till the beginning of 2024. The LandRush-App featured the project’s chapters from Iowa, Ethiopia, and Brazil. It combined short documentary films with texts, video moments, interviews, and still images. Each chapter was a complete, self-contained story that we updated once situations changed. So by its very design, LandRush stayed in a constant Beta.
Inspired by a “Litfaßsäule “—an advertising pillar with vertically interchangeable posters—we developed the app’s concept. The user can swipe horizontally between the chapters. By expanding the radius of the imaginative pillar, we were able to add more stories when they became available.
Design: Soren Smidt
Programming: Michael Verstergaard